If we consider the one-dimensional discretized Schrodinger equation
In order to scale the spectrum, the irrational number is
replaced by a sequence of rational numbers which are obtained by
truncating the continued fraction expansion of
is approximated by a sequence of rational
For the Fibonacci model, takes only two values:
(the potential is constant, except for discontinuities) and the
spectrum is purely singular continuous (critical wave functions).
Instead, when the potential is a smooth function, the spectrum
is purely absolutely continuous (extended wave functions) for
and a purely dense point (localized wave
functions) for large
. For an intermediate value of
the spectrum is a mixture of absolutely continuous
parts and dense point parts, which are separated by a finite
number of mobility edges. There is no singular continuous part.
The exception is the Harper model, where there is a singular
continuous spectrum (critical states) at the critical point
Hence, a singular continuous spectrum rarely appears for a
potential that is a smooth function of