In the last decade, there has been a great interest in the application of fractal geometry to physics, for which integer and noninteger Hausdorff-fractal dimensions of a geometrical structure is one of the most important tools. El Naschie is a prolific physicist from the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, who has introduced the notion of a 3 + 1-dimensional space-time, that he calls ``Cantorian space-time" [19].
The possibility that spatial chaos could model this real Cantorian space-time using fractal geometry has been investigated by El Naschie [20]. Based on a renormalization transformation, he derives an expectation value and the Hausdorff dimension of a basic set at criticality. For this, he needs four points (Cantorions) and a two-dimensional lattice rectangular block. Considering the position of these Cantorions, there are three different cases, where (a) two, (b) three, or (c) all the four intersection points of the block are occupied.
For case (c), the probability is
The total probability is the sum of all probabilities,
The physical interpretation of the three possible configurations
is the following:
(a) is the minimum requirement of a
topologically nonzero space;
(b) is the minimal representation of two-dimensionality, while
(c) is imposed to give a nontrivial solution for the critical
probability, i.e., nonzero and different from 1.
In fact, if at a certain state, we have more empty space than
Cantorions, then as we increase the renormalization procedure, we
have more and more empty space, until in the end we have absolute
nothingness. On the contrary, if we have more Cantorions than
empty space, then as we proceed further with the renormalization
process, we will reach a space continuum. At a certain critical
state, we will have a dividing line, determined by a
``critical probability" This probability is the fixed
point of the total probability
given by equation
Let us calculate this value:
It can be proved that this value of is an unstable
fixed point of the probability map equation arising from
(9.1), e.g.,
Finally, this renormalization transformation of a spatially
chaotic two-dimensional space
spanned by two to
four Cantorions on a rectangular lattice, leads to a Hausdorff
dimension almost identical to that of the Sierpinski carpet,
depicted in Fig. 2. As is easy to prove (see [2]), this
two-dimensional set has zero measure and fractal dimension
The Sierpinski carpet, together with the Cantor point-set, is
believed to be a fundamental set for many two-dimensional
processes. It is interesting to remark that the Cantor point-set
has a fractal dimension equal to
that means, equal to
In relation to this coincidence, there
is a firm conjecture that both Cantor set and Sierpinski set, are
fundamental to the formation of Cantorian space and the
four-dimensionality of micro space-time of bosons.2