At present theoretical aspects of DDE theory are elaborated with almost the same completeness as the corresponding parts of ordinary differential equations (ODE) theory. However, unlike ODE, even for linear DDE there are no general methods of finding solutions in explicit forms.
Various specific numerical methods are constructed for solving specific delay differential equations. Most of investigations are devoted to numerical methods for systems with discrete delays and Volterra integro-differential equations. Consequent development of DDE numerical analysis and the corresponding bibliography is reflected in [11,6,2,4,5,3] and the corresponding chapters of the books [16,15].
For spesific classes of DDE there were elaborated
special codes:
Numerical algorithms, relized in Toolbox, are based on an approach to DDE numerical methods elaborated in [19,20,22].
The distinguishing features of the described numerical methods are the following:
In the frameworks of the approach one can construct for DDE analogies of all known numerical methods of ODE case.
Of course, the numerical algorithms relized in Toolbox
are substantiated under some assumptions on general form of DDE
and initial data, however these assumptions are satisfied for
many realistic initial value problems.
Specific numerical algorithms of solving some specific
delay differential equations can be more efficient
than the algorithms realized in Toolbox.
Nevertheless in the frameworks of the proposed approach
the numerical schemes are the same for different classes of DDE
and this fact allows us to elaborate sufficiently simple
structure of software algorithms and packages.
An approach to overcoming the problem of handling the discontinuities of derivatives of DDE solutions will be discussed in the next subsection.
Exact (analytical) solutions of DDE can have discontinuities of derivatives which can affect the numerical algorithms used for their approximate solving. So at present a big attention is paid to the problem of constructing special numerical algorithms in the regions of discontinuities. Actually, on our opinion, there can be (at lest) two points of view on this problem:
In Toolbox we choose the second way (B) by the following reasons
So, if the construction of DDE numerical methods is not the end in itself but only the mean of investigating DDE then the assumption of smoothness of solutions is acceptable in many cases and is a suitable compromise. Assumption of smoothness of solutions is one of the key points of our approach to realization of the numerical algorithms in the present version of Toolbox.
Of course, there are problems in which one cannot avoid
discontinuities of derivatives of solutions.
We reffer readers to the works
for effective algorithms and furthere references.
In this subsection we describe the numerical methods [19,20,22] realized in Toolbox.
For the sake of simplicity let us consider the uniform
tk = t0 + k,
k = 0, 1,..., N,
of the interval
[t0, t0 +
/N), and assume that the ratio
= N
is a positive integer.
be the approximation of the true
x(tk) = xk of system
(5.7), (5.15), (5.16)
at time tk.
The set of values
{ui : i0, k - N
3will be denoted by {ui}k.
This set define at time tk future behavior of the
discrete model.
In order to calculate uk + 1 by means of {ui}k it is necessary at time tk to construct :
Definition 9.1.
For a constant a > 0 a mapping
I : {ui}ku( . )
Q[tk -
, tk + a)
is called the interpolational-extrapolational operator
(IE-operator) of the model pre-history.
We will make the following assumption: IE-operator I({ui}k) satisfies the Lipschitz condition
for t
Definition 9.2.
The interpolational-interpolational operator I has
an order p on a class of functions
X Q[tk -
, tk + a)
if there exist a constant C1 such that for all
x( . )
discrete pre-history
{xi = x(ti), k - N
( . ) = I({ui}k) and
[tk -
, tk + a)
the following inequality is satisfied
Interpolation by spline of (p - 1)-order is one of methods of pre-history interpolation [20,22]. In this case one can realize the extrapolation by continuation of the last polynomial to the right side of point tn. For this method of interpolation and extrapolation the Lipschitz condition (9.1) is satisfyed; moreover if the set X consists of p-times continuous differentiable functions then the operator I has the order p on the class X.
m-Stage explicit Runge-Kutta method (with an IE-operator I) is the discrete model
The pre-history of the model is defined as ut(s) = {I({ui}k) for tk -Let us consider the functions z(t) = u(t) - x(t) and zk = z(tk) = uk - xk. One can derive
where The function
Definition 9.3.
Method (9.3) - (9.7) :
1) has the approximation order p, if
for all
k = 0,..., N ;
2) converges, if zk 0 as
for all
k = 1,..., N;
3) has the convergence order p if
| zk|C
for all
k = 0, 1,..., N.
Theorem 9.1.
Let method (9.3) - (9.7) have an approximation
order p > 0 and an IE-operator I has the order p on a
class of functions X (which contains the true solution of
problem (5.7), (5.15), (5.16)),
then Runge-Kutta-like method (9.3) - (9.7)
converges and has the convergence order p.
Conditions that determine approximation orders of numerical methods can be obtained by the expansion of the exact solution x(t) and the functionals hi into the Taylor series at point tk [22].
It is important to note that methods (9.3) - (9.7) are complete analogies of corresponding numerical methods of ODEs, that is approximation orders are the same for ODEs and DDEs with the same coefficients of numerical methods. For example, for DDE (5.7) the Runge-Kutta-like numerical schemes of the order 4 has the form
Note, all results are valid for non-uniform partition of the
time interval
[t0, t0 + ].
It allows to use variable steps for constructing
numerical models.
In Toolbox the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg-like numerical schemes of the order 4(5) with automatic step size control and the interpolation and extrapolation by cubic splines are realized.