Systems with delays
are infinite dimensional systems because of the presence of the functional component { x(t + s), -
Remark 5.1.
The central concept that we use for describing and
modeling of systems with delays consists of separation
(distinguishing) of finite dimensional and
infinite dimensional components in the structure
of systems.
For this reason we use for DDE the notation (5.1)
and consider the state of DDE as the pair
xt = {x(t); x(t + s), - s < 0}
H =
, 0).
Note, one of the conventional notations for DDE is
The right-hand side of system
is the mapping here F[ . , . , . , . ] :The right-hand side of system
is the mapping here F[ . , . , . , . ] :
For structural presentation of time-delay systems it is convenient to use the following conditional representation
i.e. just write in the right-hand side of the equations the mapping f (t, x, y( . )) (5.2) without indication of solutions.Remark 5.2. Remember that for ODE
The conditional representation of system (5.3) is
and the conditional representation of system (5.5) is
System (5.7) is the infinite dimensional system,
and the problem of its simulating consists of describing
f (t, x, y( . )) by finite number of parameters,
because for computer simulation finite algorithms with
finite number of input parameters can be used.
Analyzing the structure of DDE one can see that in concrete cases right-hand sides of such equations are combinations of finite dimensional functions and integrals.
The right-hand sides of systems (5.3), (5.5)
can be described just by finite number of functions.
For example, to describe system (5.3)
(or (5.5)) we should set the mappings
F[ . , . , . , . ],
( . ),
( . ) and
( . , . ) (or
( . , . )).
For presentation DDE in Toolbox it is convenient to use their structural presentation in terms of delay operators.
One can see that in many DDE delays are described by the following mappings:
Mappings (5.11), (5.12) and (5.13)
are called delay operators [18].
Note, to define the delay operator (5.12)
it is necessary to set two functions:
(t, s) and
To define the delay operator (5.13)
it is necessary to set two functions:
( . ) and
In specific cases delay differential equations can be presented, as a rule, as combinations of finite dimensional functions and delay operators. For example, the system
Actually one can use different types of delay operators. In the present version of Toolbox we realized numerical algorithms for simulating nonlinear time-delay systems with delay operators of the forms (5.11), (5.12) and (5.13).
We consider initial conditions of systems with
delays as the pair
h0 = {x0, y0( . )} H
of a vector
and a function
y0( . )
, 0), i.e. at an initial
time t0 a solution x(t) satisfies the conditions
So in order to simulate systems with delays using functions of Toolbox it is necessary, as a rule, to set into M-files an initial data as the pair {x0, y0( . )}.
The numerical algorithms which are realized in
Toolbox guarantee accurate results for
continuous initial functions
{x0, y0( . )} C[-
, 0], i.e. when
Nevertheless using functions of Toolbox one can
simulate DDE with respect to piece-wise continuous
initial data
{x0, y0( . )}
, 0).
However in this case caution should be exercised.
Remark 5.3.
In the present version of Toolbox the initial function
y0( . ) should be an elementary function and
cannot be described using M-file.