For linear finite-dimensional systems, LQR theory plays a special role among various approaches because an optimal gain can be easily calculated by solving ARE and the corresponding control (if it exists) stabilizes the closed-loop system. The corresponding algorithms are realized in Control System Toolbox [8].
For systems with delays theoretical aspects of LQR theory have been also well developed in different directions and it was shown that the coefficients of optimal control are solutions of some specific system of algebraic matrix equation, ordinary and partial differential equations, the so called generalized Riccati equations - GREs (see below equations (10.5) - (10.9)). Solution of GREs is the main obstacle for effective realization of LQR algorithms for systems with delays.
In Time-Delay System Toolbox we realized the procedure of designing optimal LQR controller based on the explicit form solutions of GREs [21]. The approach is based on utilization of a generalized quadratic cost functional [33]. Let us briefly discuss this procedure.
Consider the linear system with discrete state delay 4
where A, ARemark 10.1. Note, the state weight functional in (10.2) is the quadratic functional
defined on H =Optimal control for problem (10.1), (10.2) has the form
where n×n matrices P, D(s) and R(s,The optimal value of the cost functional J is
Let us formulate a proposition concerning the optimal
property of the corresponding feedback control.
Theorem 10.1.
Let P, D(s) and R(s,) are solutions of system
(10.5) - (10.9).
If linear control (10.4) stabilizes system (10.1)
then this control minimizes the quadratic cost functional
(10.2) and optimal value of the cost functional is
On the basis of suitable choices of matrices ,
(s) and
) one can simplify equations
(10.5) - (10.9) and find their solutions in
explicit forms.
Let us take matrices of the cost functional (10.2) as
One can see, in system (10.12) - (10.14)
matrices D(s) and R(s,) are separated
(these matrices are interconnected only through
boundary condition (10.9)).
Equation (10.12) is the classic
algebraic Riccati equation (ARE).
So we can find the solution of this system
in explicit form.
Theorem 10.2.
Let P be the solution of ARE (10.12).
Then matrices D(s) and R(s,) (that are solutions of
system (10.13), (10.14), (10.8), (10.9) )
have the forms
Q(s) = A'e[PK - A'](s +
, 0]×[-
, 0] : s -
< 0
, 0]×[-
, 0] : s -
> 0
Corollary 10.1.
Let P be the solution of ARE (10.12).
Then matrices D(s) and R(s,), defined by
(10.15) and (10.16), are solutions of GREs
(10.5) - (10.9) with matrices
) defined by
Theorem 10.3.
Let P, D(s) and R(s,) be the solutions of system
(10.12) - (10.14), (10.8), (10.9)
(hence these matrices have the forms (10.15), (10.16)).
If linear control (10.4) stabilizes system (10.1)
then this control minimizes the quadratic cost functional
(10.2) with state weight matrices (10.11),
and optimal value of the cost functional is
Remark 10.2.
Remember, in case of ODE if a solution of ARE exists then the
corresponding linear feedback control stabilizes the ODE
However, not every linear time-invariant system with delays can
be stabilizable by linear feedback control.
So, after finding explicit solutions of GRE it is necessary
to verify the stabilizing properties of the corresponding
control (10.4).
One can use the following procedure of designing and testing LQ-regulator.
Besides, Toolbox offers some additional functions.
For example, costfun calculates the approximate value
of the cost functional of LQR problem.
Using isdef one can check the definiteness of a matrix
that is the finite dimensional approximation of the optimal
value quadratic functional.