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3 What algorithms are used

3.1 General remarks

In Toolbox we realized general algorithms that can be applied for simulation and analysis of:
- MIMO time-delay systems,
- systems with distributed and time-varying delays,
so we use only state space representation of systems with delays and the corresponding methods because frequency domain approach cannot be applied to these problems.

3.2 Numerical algorithms

Simulation of systems with delays is realized on the basis of the numerical Runge-Kutta-like methods [19,20,21,22].

The numerical methods are direct analogies of the corresponding classical numerical methods of ODE theory, i.e. if delays disappear then the methods coincide with the classic Runge-Kutta methods for ODE.

3.3 Time-domain analysis

On the basis of the numerical algorithms M-files for time-domain analysis (time-response) of general linear time-invariant systems with delays are elaborated.

3.4 Stability

Stability is one of the most important characteristic of (linear) systems. Toolbox contains some algorithms of verification stability of linear time-invariant systems with delays.

For linear systems with distributed and time-varying delays there are no effective algorithmic methods of verification the stability property. So we propose some procedures of testing stability property for general linear systems with delays using numerical simulation.

3.5 Control algorithms

LQR technique is one of the basic methods for designing stabilizing closed-loop controllers for ODEs. In Control System Toolbox [8] the effective procedure of designing linear quadratic regulator (based on solving ARE) for finite-dimensional systems is realized.

In Time-Delay System Toolbox we realized analytical methods of designing liner quadratic regulator for systems with delays [21]. The approach is the direct generalization of the corresponding classic LQR methods for ODEs, i.e. if delay disappears then the algorithms coincides with LQR algorithms of ODEs.

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