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1. Fibonacci sequences

A Fibonacci sequence is a sequence of integers where every number is the sum of the two previous ones. Such sequences are called ``secondary Fibonacci sequences" to distinguish them from the tertiary Fibonacci sequences, where every term is the sum of the three previous terms. Beginning with $F(0)=1; F(1)=1,$ we get

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, ...  ,
\end{displaymath} (1.1)

where $F(n + 1) = F(n) + F(n - 1).$ One may extend the notion of secondary Fibonacci sequences, originating the so-called generalized secondary Fibonacci sequence (GSFS) $G(n)$:
a, b, pb + qa, p(pb + qa) + qb,...
\end{displaymath} (1.2)

that satisfies relations of the type
G(n+1) = p G(n) + q G(n - 1),\;n=1,2,...
\end{displaymath} (1.3)

where $a,b,p,$ and $q$ are real numbers.

The following assertion holds:

If the limit


exists then it is a root of equation
x^2 - px - q = 0,
\end{displaymath} (1.4)

i.e., equals
\sigma=\frac{p+\sqrt{p^2+4q}}{2}\quad \mbox{ or } \quad
\end{displaymath} (1.5)

and is independent of $a, b.$

Indeed, from (1.3) we get

\frac{G(n+1)}{G(n)} = p+ q\frac{G(n-1)}{G(n)},

and passing to the limit gives $x=p+\frac{q}{x}$, which is equivalent to (1.4), (1.5).

Theorem 1.1   Let a GSFS % latex2html id marker 939
$(\ref{q12})$, % latex2html id marker 941
$(\ref{q13})$ be such that $a,b,p$, and $q$ are real numbers such that $p>0,\;p^2+4q>0.$ Then there exists a limit

\lim_{n \rightarrow \infty}\frac{G(n+1)}{G(n)},

which is a real number.

Proof. To find an expression for the $n$th term of the GSFS, let us write a matrix equation equivalent to (1.3)

G(n+1) G(n)
\end{array}\right)= A
G(n) G(n-1)

A =\left(\begin{array}{cc} p & q 1 & 0
\end{displaymath} (1.6)

It is easily seen that

G(n+1) G(n)
\end{array}\right)= A^...
...\right)= A^n
b a

Thus, the problem is reduced to finding the $n$th power of the matrix $A$. The characteristic equation of $A$ is

p-\lambda & q\\
1 & -\lambda

with the two eigenvalues $\sigma$ and $\tau$ (see above). To diagonalize $A$ and convert it into

\sigma & 0\\
0 & \tau

we shall use the matrix

\sigma & \tau\\
1 & 1


\sigma & \tau\\
1 & 1

It is easy to check that

1 & -\tau\\
-1 & \sigma

and that $A=PA_dP^{-1}$. The $n$th power of $A$ is calculated by applying the similarity transformation


Further we have

\sigma^n & 0\\
0 & \tau^n

so that

\sigma & \tau\\
1 & 1
1 & -\tau\\
-1 & \sigma

\sigma^{n+1}- \tau^{n...
...\tau^{n} & -\sigma^{n}\tau+ \tau^{n}\sigma


G(n+1) G(n)
...{n}) b +(-\sigma^{n}\tau+ \tau^{n}\sigma) a


(\sigma^{n+1}- \tau^{n+1}) b-\sigma\tau(\sigma^{n}- \tau^{n})a\},

G(n)=\frac{1}{D}\{(\sigma^{n}- \tau^{n}) b +(-\sigma^{n}\tau+
\tau^{n}\sigma) a\}.
\end{displaymath} (1.7)

It follows that

(\sigma^{n+1}- \tau^{n+1}) b-\sig...
...(\sigma^{n}- \tau^{n})b +(-\sigma^{n}\tau+ \tau^{n}\sigma)a} .

Setting $\varepsilon=\tau/\sigma$ and taking into account that $\vert\varepsilon\vert<1$, we obtain


which tends to $\sigma$ if $b\ne \tau a$ (otherwise, $G(n+1)=\tau^na$, a geometric progression, and the fraction tends to $\tau$). The theorem is proved.

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