MiKTeX 1.20e Manual
Copyright © 1996--1999 Christian Schenk

Node:Top, Next:, Previous:(dir), Up:(dir)

MiKTeX Manual, revision 1.20e

This help file documents MiKTeX 1.20e.

Node:Introduction, Next:, Previous:Top, Up:Top

What is MiKTeX?

Node:Features, Next:, Previous:Introduction, Up:Introduction

MiKTeX Features

MiKTeX is a free TeX distribution for Windows. Its main features are:

The MiKTeX distribution consists of the following applications:

Node:Getting, Next:, Previous:Features, Up:Introduction

How to get MiKTeX

MiKTeX Distribution

The MiKTeX distribution is archived in the CTAN1 directory


You can use one of the following URLs to download MiKTeX:


Other Packages

Here is a list of other packages you should take into consideration:

Aladdin Ghostscript (http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost/aladdin/index.html)
Ghostscript is an interpreter for the PostScript language. The DVI previewer Yap uses Ghostscript to display EPS graphics.
Adobe Acrobat Reader (http://www.adobe.com/prodindex/acrobat/readstep.html)
A PDF viewer.
WinEdt (http://www.winedt.com)
WinEdt is a shareware TeX editor/shell. It cooperates with MiKTeX with respect to forward and inverse DVI search (see Source Specials).
ActivePerl (http://www.activestate.com)
ActivePerl is an implementation of Perl for the Windows platform. A few MiKTeX utilities (e.g. psmerge) are Perl scripts. You should install Perl if you want to use these utilities.

Node:Project Page, Next:, Previous:Getting, Up:Introduction

The MiKTeX Project Page

You can visit the MiKTeX Project Page for information about new releases, patches and so on.

Node:Mailing Lists, Next:, Previous:Project Page, Up:Introduction

The MiKTeX Mailing List

MiKTeX Mailing List

There is a discussion list for MiKTeX. To join this list, send an e-mail to <miktex-request@dsts.dk> which contains the word subscribe as the first line in the message body.

This list is archived at www.egroups.com.

Node:Documentation, Previous:Mailing Lists, Up:Introduction


The MiKTeX Manual (which you are reading right now) concentrates on documenting MiKTeX specific features.

Other MiKTeX related documentation includes:

Frequently Asked Questions
Lists answers to frequently asked questions.
Tips & Tricks
Lists useful tips.

Shortcuts to these documents can be found in the Start Menu (see Start Menu).

Node:1.20e, Next:, Previous:Introduction, Up:Top

What's new in MiKTeX 1.20e?

Updated Packages

New Features

Anti Features

Node:Installing, Next:, Previous:1.20e, Up:Top

Installing MiKTeX

Node:Setup Wizard, Next:, Previous:Installing, Up:Installing

Running the Setup Wizard

  1. If you still have MiKTeX 1.11 installed on you computer, then you should use the uninstall option of MiKTeX 1.11.
  2. Make sure that you have enough disk space. A complete MiKTeX installation consumes approximately 40MB of disk space.
  3. It is highly recommended that you login as Administrator, if you're installing MiKTeX on a Windows NT computer.
  4. Choose a location for the installation directory, say c:\texmf. This directory receives the files of the MiKTeX distribution.
  5. You can cause MiKTeX to deposit newly created files (fonts, memory dumps, filename databases) in a separate directory tree. This directory tree is called the Local TEXMF Tree. If you decide to create such a tree, then you must choose a name for its root directory, say c:\localtexmf.

    Benefits that a local tree provides include the following:

  6. Decide whether you want to incorporate a preexisting TEXMF tree. For example, if you have a TeXLive CD in CDROM drive e:, then it is possible to include e:\texmf in the MiKTeX search path.
  7. Start the MiKTeX Setup Wizard (setupwiz.exe). You will presented with the welcome page: images/setupwiz-welcome.png
  8. Click Next> to go to the next page. Enter the name of the installation directory which you have chosen in step 4: images/setupwiz-installdir.png
  9. Click Next> to go to the next page. Choose the components that want to install: images/setupwiz-compsel.png
  10. Click Next> to go to the next page. Enter the name of the local TEXMF directory which you have chosen in step 5 or check the button No local TEXMF tree, if you don't need a local tree: images/setupwiz-localdir.png
  11. Click Next> to go to the next page. You are now asked about the list of additional TEXMF root directories. Enter a semicolon-separated list of preexisting TEXMF root directories. Check the button No preexisting TEXMF directory trees, if you just want to use the TEXMF tree that comes with MiKTeX: images/setupwiz-addtexmf.png
  12. Click Next> to go to the next page, where you can review the setup options: images/setupwiz-review.png
  13. Click Next> to start the installation process. The selected components will be copied to the installation folder chosen in step 4. Eventually you will see the finish page: images/setupwiz-finish.png
  14. Click Finish to exit the Setup Wizard.

The Setup Wizard does not change the environmental variable PATH, i.e. you may have to add something like

set PATH=%PATH%;c:\texmf\miktex\bin

to your autoexec.bat.

Node:Setup Options, Previous:Setup Wizard, Up:Setup Wizard

Setup Options

Some setup options can be specified on the command-line and/or in a separate text file named setupwiz.opt.

You can invoke the MiKTeX Setup Wizard with the following command-line options:

--additional-directory-trees DIRS
Specify additional TEXMF directories.
Allow a reboot in unattended mode.
Simulate the installation process. No files will be installed. The log file will be written to the temporary directory.
--installation-directory DIR
Specify the installation directory.
Show available options and exit.
Prevent MiKTeX from using additional directory trees.
Prevent MiKTeX from using a local directory.
--program-folder FOLDER
Specify the MiKTeX program folder.
Run Setup Wizard in unattended mode. No user input is required.

Command-line options can also be specified in a text file named setupwiz.opt. This file must be in the same directory as setupwiz.exe.

Node:Start Menu, Next:, Previous:Setup Wizard, Up:Installing

Items in the Start menu

The Setup Wizard creates the following Start Menu items:

Shortcuts to documentation files

MiKTeX | Help | Frequently Asked Questions
Opens a Windows Help file which contains answers to frequently asked questions.
MiKTeX | Help | LaTeX2e Reference
Opens a Windows Help file which contains descriptions for many LaTeX commands.
MiKTeX | Help | Local Guide
Opens a Windows Help file which contains the MiKTeX Manual.
MiKTeX | Help | Release Notes
Last-minute notes.
MiKTeX | Help | Tips and Tricks
Opens a Windows Help file which contains a list of useful tips.

Shortcuts to the configuration utility (initexmf.exe)

MiKTeX | Maintenance | Create All Format Files
Creates all format files, i.e. runs initexmf --dump.
MiKTeX | Maintenance | Create LaTeX Format File
Creates the LaTeX format, i.e. runs initexmf --dump=latex.
MiKTeX | Maintenance | Reconfigure
Creates all format files and refreshes the file name database.
MiKTeX | Maintenance | Refresh File Name Database
Refreshes the file name database.

Shortcuts to GUI-based MiKTeX applications

MiKTeX | Yap
A shortcut to the DVI viewer.

Node:Directory Tree, Next:, Previous:Start Menu, Up:Installing

The TEXMF Directory Hierarchy

The setup program creates a TDS-compliant directory structure. This structure is normally distributed over two physical directory trees:

  1. The installation directory (usually c:\texmf) contains all files from the MiKTeX distribution.
  2. The local directory (usually c:\localtexmf) receives all files that are created on-the-fly.

These directories need not to be on the same drive.

It's possible to change the locations of these directories anytime. See TEXMF Trees, for more information.

Node:Installation Directory, Next:, Previous:Directory Tree, Up:Directory Tree

Installation Directory

The installation directory (usually c:\texmf) is the root of a TDS-compliant directory hierarchy. If you have installed the complete distribution, then the installation directory contains the following sub-directories:

bibtex, dvips, makeindex, ...
These directories contain application related input files.
This directory contains all user documentation.
This directory contains fonts in various formats.
The miktex directory is reserved for MiKTeX related files:
Contains all executable files.
Contains the global configuration file miktex.ini and the MiKTeX font mapping file miktex.map. The MiKTeX Setup Wizard installs its own log file here.
Contains the METAFONT string pool file mf.pool.
Contains TeX string pool files: etex.pool, pdftex.pool, omega.pool, tex.pool.
Contains the MetaPost string pool file mp.pool.

Node:Local Directory, Previous:Installation Directory, Up:Directory Tree

Local Directory

The local directory (usually c:\localtexmf) receives files that are generated on-the-fly. For example, if the TeX compiler needs a TeX Font Metric (TFM) file that is not available yet, then it creates that file (if possible) and installs it in an appropriate sub-directory of the local directory.

Typically, the Local Directory contains the following sub-directories:

Contains font files that are not part of the MiKTeX distribution, but that were created on-the-fly.
This directory contains the file name database files.

Node:UnInstall, Previous:Directory Tree, Up:Installing

Removing MiKTeX

There is no uninstall option (yet), thus you have to do it by hand if you decide to remove MiKTeX:

  1. Remove the main TEXMF folder (usually c:\texmf) including sub folders.
  2. Remove the local TEXMF folder (usually c:\localtexmf) including sub folders.
  3. Remove Registry entries:
    1. Start regedit
    2. Open the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE and delete the MiK subkey.
    3. Open the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software and delete the MiK subkey.
  4. Remove the MiKTeX item from the Windows start menu.
  5. Remove the bin directory from the PATH.

Node:Configuring, Next:, Previous:Installing, Up:Top

Configuring MiKTeX

Node:IniTeXMF, Next:, Previous:Configuring, Up:Configuring

The MiKTeX Configuration Utility

initexmf.exe is the MiKTeX configuration utility. You can use it to

Node:TEXMF Trees, Next:, Previous:IniTeXMF, Up:IniTeXMF

Defining TEXMF Root Directories

The standard setup procedure creates two TEXMF root directories:

You can redefine the TEXMF root directories by using the command-line switches --root-directories and --local-root:

This switch defines the list of TEXMF root directories. dirlist is a semicolon-separated list of directory path names.
This switch defines the local directory.

It is necessary to refresh the file name database whenever you redefine the TEXMF root directories (see Maintaining the File Name Database).

Node:fndb, Next:, Previous:TEXMF Trees, Up:IniTeXMF

Maintaining the file name database

To speed up file search, MiKTeX makes use of a list of known file names. This list is called the file name database (FNDB). The FNDB is spread over several files, one for each TEXMF root directory.

The FNDB file for the first TEXMF tree is called texmf0.fndb. For the second tree it is called texmf1.fndb. And so on.

It is strongly recommended that you update the FNDB whenever files are added to or removed from one of the TEXMF trees.

You update all fndb files by invoking initexmf with the command line switch --update-fndb:

c:\> initexmf --update-fndb

You can update a certain FNDB file by specifying the TEXMF root. For example,

c:\> initexmf --update-fndb=c:\texmf

will update the FNDB file for the tree rooted at c:\texmf.

Node:psres, Next:, Previous:fndb, Up:IniTeXMF

Maintaining the PostScript resource database

The PostScript resource database (PSres) is used by some utilities in order to locate PostScript resources (font outlines/metrics/encodings).

The database is located in the MiKTeX config directory (usually c:\texmf\miktex\config). The name of the database file is dpres.dpr. It is a text file, i.e. you can view it with a conventional text editor.

It is strongly recommended that you update the database whenever PostScript resources (*.pfb;*.afm;*.enc) are added to or removed from one of the TEXMF trees.

You update the database files by invoking initexmf with the command line switch --mkpsres:

c:\> initexmf --mkpsres

Node:mkpsres, Previous:psres, Up:psres

Incorporating External Font Directories

It is possible to add non-MiKTeX font directories to the PostScript resource database. The --mkpsres switch accepts as an optional argument the name of an external font directory. You can use several --mkpsres switches with one invocation of initexmf.

By specifying the command line flag --search, you can cause initexmf to automatically search your workstation for third party PostScript resource files (e.g. Acrobat Reader fonts):

c:\> initexmf --mkpsres --search

Node:Standard Dump Files, Next:, Previous:psres, Up:IniTeXMF

Making Standard Dump Files

Some programs initialize itself by reading parts of the memory from an external file. For the TeX family of programs, such a file is called a Dump File.

The MiKTeX configuration file has built-in rules for standard dump files.

Non-standard dump files (i.e. dump files not mentioned in this section) must be created with the ini-version of the program. For example, you would say initex texinfo @dump to produce a Texinfo dump file (texinfo.fmt).

You create standard dump files by invoking initexmf with the command line switch --dump. This switch takes an optional argument, which is the name of the program for which a new dump file is to be created:

c:\> initexmf --dump[=program]

If program is ommited, then all standard dump files will be rebuilt. Otherwise, program must be one of the following names:

This creates the dump file latex.efmt which is used by elatex.exe.
This creates the dump file plain.efmt which is used by etex.exe.
This creates the dump file lambda.fmt which is used by lambda.exe.
This creates the dump file latex.fmt which is used by latex.exe.
This creates the dump file plain.fmt which is used by tex.exe.
This creates the dump file plain.base which is used by mf.exe (METAFONT).
This creates the dump file plain.mem which is used by mpost.exe (MetaPost).
This creates the dump file omega.fmt which is used by omega.exe.
This creates the dump file pdflatex.fmt which is used by pdflatex.exe.
This creates the dump file pdftex.fmt which is used by pdftex.exe.

Node:language.dat, Previous:Standard Dump Files, Up:Standard Dump Files

Controlling which hyphenation patterns are used by LaTeX

You can control the loading of hyphenation patterns by modifying the file language.dat (say initexmf --find-tex language.dat to find out the absolute path).

As distributed with MiKTeX, language.dat has the following contents:

% File    : language.dat
% Purpose : specify which hyphenation patterns to load
%           while running iniTeX
english ushyphen.tex
%ukenglish ukhyphen.tex
german ghyph31.tex
%italian ithyph.tex
%dutch nehyph2.tex
%finnish fihyph.tex
%norwegian nohyph.tex
%french f8hyph.tex

Lines starting with % are comments. The only uncommented lines in the example are english ushyphen.tex and german ghyph31.tex. That is, only hyphenation patterns for U.S. English and German will be loaded by TeX. To load other hyphenation patterns, you have to uncomment the corresponding lines.

After modifying language.dat, you have to create new LaTeX dump files (see Standard Dump Files).

Node:Personal Configuration File, Previous:Standard Dump Files, Up:IniTeXMF

Personal Configuration File

You can cause MiKTeX to read a personal configuration file (in addition to the global one) by using the command line switch --personal. Usage is:

initexmf --personal[=filename]

If specified, filename must be the name of an existing configuration file. If filename is omitted, then MiKTeX will not use a personal configuration file.

Values read from filename will override those values that were read from the global configuration file.

For example, consider the case that you have some private LaTeX style files in your home directory (say c:\users\me). You could write a private configuration file (say miktex.ini) and place it in your home directory. The configuration file should look like this:

Input Dirs=.;c:\users\me//;%R\tex\latex//;%R\tex\generic//

Then you had to announce the configuration file this way:

c:\ initexmf --personal=c:\users\me\miktex.ini

Node:Configuration File, Next:, Previous:IniTeXMF, Up:Configuring

The MiKTeX Configuration File

This section discusses the usage of MiKTeX Configuration File.

Node:Two Kinds, Next:, Previous:Configuration File, Up:Configuration File

The Two Kinds of Configuation Files

MiKTeX configuration parameters are stored in two configuration files:

Personal configuration settings override global settings.

Node:Search Paths, Next:, Previous:Two Kinds, Up:Configuration File

How to specify search paths

Search paths are used by MiKTeX to find special files (such as TeX input files) within a comprehensive directory hierarchy.

A search path is a semicolon-separated list of directory paths. This list is traversed from left to right, i.e. the first directory is searched first.

In a directory path, the following character sequences have a special meaning:

A placeholder for the list of TEXMF root directories.
A flag, which causes MiKTeX to search recursively.


Assuming that c:\texmf;\\myserver\texmf is the list of TEXMF root directories, the search path .;%R\tex\latex//;%R\tex\generic// causes LaTeX to search its input files in the following locations:

  1. In the current directory (.).
  2. In the directory c:\texmf\tex\latex and in all directories below it.
  3. In the directory \\myserver\texmf\tex\latex and in all directories below it.
  4. In the directory c:\texmf\tex\generic and in all directories below it
  5. In the directory \\myserver\texmf\tex\generic and in all directories below it.

Testing a new search path

You can use the configuration utility initexmf to test whether an input file can be found via the current search path. For example, the command

c:\> initexmf --find-latex-input a4.sty

searches for the LaTeX input file a4.sty. The full path name is printed if the file was found.

Node:Layout, Previous:Search Paths, Up:Configuration File

Contents of a MiKTeX Configuration File

A MiKTeX configuration file is divided into several named sections. Each section contains configuration settings for a specific application or feature.

Node:BibTeX Section, Next:, Previous:Layout, Up:Layout

[BibTeX]: BibTeX Configuration Settings

The section [BibTeX] contains BibTeX related configuration settings.

Input Dirs
Search path for BibTeX input files (both databases and style files).
Minimum number of cross-refs required for automatic cite_list inclusion.

Node:Dvips Section, Next:, Previous:BibTeX Section, Up:Layout

[Dvips]: Dvips Configuration Settings

The section [Dvips] contains Dvips related configuration settings.

Where Dvips searches its configuration files (e.g. config.ps).
Where Dvips searches for .enc files.
Where Dvips searches for .eps files.
Where Dvips searches for .map files.
Where Dvips searches for PS header files.

Node:Graphics Section, Next:, Previous:Dvips Section, Up:Layout

[Graphics]: Graphics Conversion Rules

The section [Graphics] contains graphics conversion rules. Each rule has the syntax


fromext is the file name extension of the source file. toext is the file name extension of the destination file. commandline is the command-line which does the conversion. The command-line may include the following placeholders:

The name of the input file.
The name of the output file.

The standard MiKTeX configuration file contains the following rules:

.gif.bmp=giftopnm %i | ppmtobmp -windows > %o
.pcx.bmp=pcxtoppm %i | ppmtobmp -windows > %o
.png.bmp=pngtopnm %i | ppmtobmp -windows > %o
.tga.bmp=tgatoppm %i | ppmtobmp -windows > %o
.tif.bmp=tifftopnm %i | ppmtobmp -windows > %o
.tiff.bmp=tifftopnm %i | ppmtobmp -windows > %o

Node:Magic Section, Next:, Previous:Graphics Section, Up:Layout

[Magic]: Memory Settings for TeX & Friends

The section [Magic] contains memory related configuration settings. The values are used by TeX, pdfTeX and Omega for the dynamic allocation of certain data structures.

Format-Independent Values

The following parameters can be changed at run time to extend or reduce TeX's capacity. They may have different values in INITEX and in production versions of TeX.

Smallest index in TeX's internal mem array; must be 0 or more; must be equal to mem_bot in INITEX, otherwise <=mem_bot.
Greatest index in TeX's internal mem array; must be strictly less than 1073741823.
Maximum number of characters simultaneously present in current lines of open files and in control sequences between \csname and \endcsname; must not exceed 1073741823.
Width of context lines on terminal error messages.
Width of first lines of contexts in terminal error messages; should be between 30 and (error_line - 15).
Width of longest text lines output; should be at least 60.
Maximum number of simultaneous input sources.
Maximum number of input files and error insertions that can be going on simultaneously.
Maximum internal font number; must not exceed 5000.
Number of words of font_info for all fonts.
Maximum number of simultaneous macro parameters.
Maximum number of semantic levels simultaneously active.
Maximum number of strings; must not exceed 1073741823.
The minimum number of characters that should be available for the user's control sequences and font names, after TeX's own error messages are stored.
Maximum number of characters in strings, including all error messages and help texts, and the names of all fonts and control sequences; must exceed string_vacancies by the total length of TeX's own strings, which is currently about 23000.
Space for saving values outside of current group; must be at most 1073741823.
Space for hyphenation patterns; should be larger for INITEX than it is in production versions of TeX.
Space for "opcodes" in the hyphenation patterns.

Format-Dependent Values

Like the preceding parameters, the following quantities can be changed at run time to extend or reduce TeX's capacity. But if they are changed, it is necessary to rerun the initialization program INITEX to generate new tables for the production TeX program. One can't simply make helter-skelter changes to the following constants, since certain rather complex initialization numbers are computed from them.

Smallest index in the mem array dumped by INITEX; must not be less than mem_min.
Largest index in the mem array dumped by INITEX; must be substantially larger than 0 and not greater than mem_max.

Node:MakeIndex Section, Next:, Previous:Magic Section, Up:Layout

[MakeIndex]: MakeIndex Configuration Settings

The section [MakeIndex] contains MakeIndex related configuration settings.

Search path for MakeIndex style files.

Node:MakePK Section, Next:, Previous:MakeIndex Section, Up:Layout

[MakePK]: MakePK Configuration Settings

The section [MakePK] contains configuration settings that are related to the auto-creation of packed raster fonts.

The specification of a directory where newly created PK (Packed Raster Font) files are to be installed.

The specifiation may include special character sequences which will be replaced at search-time:

The current METAFONT mode.
The horizontal resolution (in dots per inch).
The font supplier (e.g. public).
The typeface name (e.g. cm).

Admin note: All MiKTeX users must have permission to create files in the specified directory.

Node:MakeTFM Section, Next:, Previous:MakePK Section, Up:Layout

[MakeTFM]: MakeTFM Configuration Settings

Where new .tfm files are to be installed.

The specifiation may contain special character sequences which are replaced at search-time:

The font supplier (e.g. public).
The typeface name (e.g. cm).

Admin note: MiKTeX users must have permission to add files to the specified directory.

Node:METAFONT Section, Next:, Previous:MakeTFM Section, Up:Layout

[METAFONT]: METAFONT Configuration Settings

The section [METAFONT] contains METAFONT related configuration settings.

Input Dirs
Search path for METAFONT input files.

Node:MetaPost Section, Next:, Previous:METAFONT Section, Up:Layout

[MetaPost]: MetaPost Related Configuration Settings

The section [MetaPost] contains MetaPost related configuration settings.

Input Dirs
Where MetaPost searches for input files.

Node:MiKTeX Section, Next:, Previous:MetaPost Section, Up:Layout

[MiKTeX]: General Configuration Settings

The section [MiKTeX] contains general configuration settings and search path specifications.

General Configuration Settings

This is a comma separated list of trace options:
Inhibits trace output to the console.
Traces the file name database.
Traces the find-file machinery.
Traces file accesses.
Traces secondary processes.
Traces TCX tables.
Traces error conditions.
Traces execution time.

The name of the trace file.

Search Path Specifications

Used to locate Adobe font metric files (*.afm).
Used to locate METAFONT base files (*.base).
Used to locate *.enc files.
Used to locate executables.
Used to locate TeX dump files (.fmt). Also used to locate e-TeX dump files (.efmt).
Used to locate graphics files (*.eps;*.bmp;...).
Used to locate font map files (*.map).
Used to locate MetaPost memory files (.mem).
Used to locate Omega font metric files (*.ofm).
Used to locate Omega virtual fonts (*.ovf).
Used to locate packed font raster files (*.pk).
Used to locate PostScript header files (*.enc;*.map);
Used to locate character translation files (.tcx).
Used to locate TeX font metric files (*.tfm).
Used to locate TrueType fonts (*.ttc;*.ttf).
Used to locate Type1 fonts (*.pfa;*.pfb).
Used to locate virtual fonts (*.vf).

Node:Omega Section, Next:, Previous:MiKTeX Section, Up:Layout

[Omega]: Omega Configuration Settings

The section [Omega] contains Omega related configuration settings:

Input Dirs
The search path for Omega input files.
Where Omega searches for OCP files.

Node:otp2ocp Section, Next:, Previous:Omega Section, Up:Layout

[otp2ocp]: otp2ocp Configuration Settings

Input Dirs
Used by otp2ocp to locate OTP files (.otp).

Node:pdfTeX Section, Next:, Previous:otp2ocp Section, Up:Layout

[pdfTeX]: pdfTeX Configuration Settings

The section [pdfTeX] contains pdfTeX related configuration settings.

Input Dirs
Where pdfTeX searches for input files.
Where pdfTeX searches for font mapping files.

Node:ps2pk Section, Next:, Previous:pdfTeX Section, Up:Layout

[ps2pk]: ps2pk Configuration Settings

The section [ps2pk] contains configuration settings for the ps2pk utility:

Where ps2pk searches for PS resource files.

Node:TeX Section, Next:, Previous:ps2pk Section, Up:Layout

[TeX]: TeX Configuration Settings

The section [TeX] contains TeX-related configuration settings.

The command to be started when you press e in the error menu.

You can use the following placeholders:

Will be replaced by the name of the input file that caused the error.
Will be replaced by a help text.
Will be replaced by the line number.
Will be replaced by the error message.

%vindex %t

Will be replaced by the name of the transcript file.

For example, a suitable value for WinEdt would be winedt %f -G(1,%l,0) -S(12,+1,0).

For NT Emacs, set Editor to gnulientw -F +%l %f.

Input Dirs
Used by TeX to locate input files.

Node:Yap Section, Previous:TeX Section, Up:Layout

[Yap]: Yap Configuration Settings

Input Dirs
Used by Yap to locate DVI files (*.dvi).

Node:config.ps, Previous:Configuration File, Up:Configuring

The Dvips Configuration File

As distributed with MiKTeX, Dvips is configured as follows:

You probably have to change some of theses settings for your site. To do so, open the Dvips configuration file config.ps with your favourite text editor.

The line starting with M specifies the METAFONT mode which Dvips uses for the generation of new raster fonts. Enter a suitable mode here. If you don't know the mode for your output device, then take a look at metafont\misc\modes.mf. This file contains an annotated list of METAFONT modes.

The line starting with D specifies the resolution. Enter a value that matches your printer.

See the !(dvips manual!)![!ExecProgram("yap.exe ../dvips/dvips.dvi", 0)!], for more information about configuring Dvips.

Node:TeX, Next:, Previous:Configuring, Up:Top

Non-standard TeX Features

This chapter describes features, that were added to the MiKTeX implementation of Donald Knuth's TeX.

Node:Suppressing Screen Output, Next:, Previous:TeX, Up:TeX

Suppressing Screen Output

The command-line option --quiet suppresses all diagnostic messages. You will see no screen output, unless there are errors. These are shown in a "C style form" and do not stop the compilation process. For example, the input file

What's \This?

would cause TeX to print one error message, as in

c:\> latex --quiet foo.tex
foo.tex:3: Undefined control sequence

Node:Source Specials, Next:, Previous:Suppressing Screen Output, Up:TeX

Auto-insertion of Source Specials

What are source specials?

Source specials are pieces of information embedded in a DVI file, which make a connection between the source file location (e.g. line 100 in foo.tex) and the DVI location (e.g. page 2 in foo.dvi). Source specials can improve the Edit-TeX-View-Edit cycle:

  1. You edit your source file.
  2. You compile the source file to get a DVI file.
  3. You execute a special editor command to open Yap, going directly to the DVI page that corresponds to the cursor location in your source file.
  4. You navigate inside the DVI file (e.g. PgUp/PgDn).
  5. You double-click somewhere on the DVI view; this causes Yap to bring the editor window to the front, moving the text cursor directly to the line that corresponds to the view location.

How to insert source specials

The TeX compiler option --src inserts source specials into the DVI file. You would say

c:\> latex --src foo.tex

to create the DVI file foo.dvi with embedded source specials.

Node:Quoted File Names, Next:, Previous:Source Specials, Up:TeX

Quoted File Names

The TeX handles quoted file names. This makes it possible to specify long file names that contain spaces.

For example, to compile the input file long file name.tex, you start TeX as follows:

c:\> latex "long file name"

This produces the DVI file long file name.dvi. The log file is named long file name.log.

You can, to some extent, use quoted file names inside the TeX document. For example,

\input{"extra long file name"}

would cause TeX to read the file extra long file name.tex.

Things get a little bit complicated if you want to use the LaTeX primitive \include. You have to write

\include{"extra\space long\space file\space name"}

in order to get the expected result.

Node:TCX files, Previous:Quoted File Names, Up:TeX

TCX files: Character translations

[ This section is "borrowed" from the Web2C manual ].

TCX (TeX character translation) files help TeX support direct input of 8-bit international characters if fonts containing those characters are being used. Specifically, they map an input (keyboard) character code to the internal TeX character code (a superset of ASCII).

Of the various proposals for handling more than one input encoding, TCX files were chosen because they follow Knuth's original ideas for the use of the xchr and xord tables. He ventured that these would be changed in the WEB source in order to adjust the actual version to a given environment. It turned out, however, that recompiling the WEB sources is not as simple task as Knuth predicted; therefore, TCX files, providing the possibility of changing of the conversion tables on on-the-fly, has been implemented instead.

This approach limits the portability of TeX documents, as some implementations do not support it (or use a different method for input-internal reencoding). It may also be problematic to determine the encoding to use for a TeX document of unknown provenance; in the worst case, failure to do so correctly may result in subtle errors in the typeset output.

While TCX files can be used with any format, using them breaks the LaTeX inputenc package. This is why you should either use tcxfile or inputenc in LaTeX files, but never both.

Specifying TCX files:

The MiKTeX distribution comes with at least two TCX files, il1-t1.tcx and il2-t1.tcx. These support ISO Latin 1 and ISO Latin 2, respectively, with Cork-encoded fonts (a.k.a. the T1 encoding). TCX files for Czech, Polish, and Slovak are also provided.

Syntax of TCX files:

  1. Line-oriented. Blank lines are ignored.
  2. Whitespace is ignored except as a separator.
  3. Comments start with % and continue to the end of the line.
  4. Otherwise, a line consists of one or two character codes:
    src [dest]
  5. Each character code may be specified in octal with a leading 0, hexadecimal with a leading 0x, or decimal otherwise. Values must be between 0 and 255, inclusive (decimal).
  6. If the dest code is not specified, it is taken to be the same as src.
  7. If the same src code is specified more than once, it is the last definition that counts.

Finally, here's what happens: when TeX sees an input character with code src, it 1) changes src to dest; and 2) makes code the dest "printable", i.e., printed as-is in diagnostics and the log file instead of in ^^ notation.

By default, no characters are translated, and character codes between 32 and 126 inclusive (decimal) are printable. It is not possible to make these (or any) characters unprintable.

Specifying translations for the printable ASCII characters (codes 32-127) will yield unpredictable results. Additionally you shouldn't make the following characters printable: ^^I (TAB), ^^J (line feed), ^^M (carriage return), and ^^? (delete), since TeX uses them in various ways.

Thus, the idea is to specify the input (keyboard) character code for src, and the output (font) character code for dest.

Node:TeXifying, Next:, Previous:TeX, Up:Top

TeXify: The MiKTeX Compiler Driver

texify is a command-line utility that simplifies the production of DVI (PDF) documents: texify automatically runs LaTeX (pdfLaTeX), MakeIndex and BibTeX as many times as necessary to produce a DVI (PDF) file with sorted indices and all cross-references resolved.

To run texify on an input file foo.tex, do this:

c:\> texify foo.tex

As shown in this example, the input file names to texify must include any extension (.tex, .ltx, etc.).

There are several command-line optione you can use to control texify (see texify). Here are some examples:

texify --clean foo.tex
All auxiliary files will be removed, i.e. only the output foo.dvi file will be left in the current directory.
texify --tex-opt=--src foo.tex
Passes the option --src to the TeX compiler.
texify --run-viewer foo.tex
Opens the output file foo.dvi (unless there are compile erros).
texify --tex-opt=--src --viewer-opt="-1 -s\"200 foo.tex\"" --run-viewer foo.tex
Compiles foo.tex with source file information (--src) and then initiates forward DVI search to open foo.dvi at the source special location 200 foo.tex. The viewer option -1 activates the current viewer task (if there is already one running).

Node:Manual Pages, Next:, Previous:TeXifying, Up:Top

Manual Pages

Node:Common Compiler Options, Next:, Previous:Manual Pages, Up:Manual Pages

Common Compiler Options

The following command-line switches are commonly supported by all TeX compilers.

Set the internal buf_size to n. buf_size is the maximum number of characters simultaneously present in current lines of open files and in control sequences between \csname and \endcsname; must not exceed 1073741823.
Show C/C++ style error messages. This switch implies \scrollmode.
Set the internal error_line to n. error_line us the width of context lines on terminal error messages.
Set the internal half_error_line to n. half_error_line is the width of first lines of contexts in terminal error messages; should be between 30 and (error_line - 15).
Quit after the first error.
Initialize internal tables; these tables can be \dumped to a dump file.
Set TeX's interaction mode (one of: batchmode, nonstopmode, scrollmode, errorstopmode).
Specify the name of the job. This also sets the name of all output files.
Set the time of all output files to the time of filename.
Show a help screen and exit.
Set the internal max_in_open to n. max_in_open is the maximum number of input files and error insertions that can be going on simultaneously.
Set the internal max-print-line to n. max-print-line is the width of longest text lines output; should be at least 60.
Set the internal max_strings to n. max_strings is the maximum number of strings; must not exceed 1073741823.
Set the internal mem_bot to n. mem_bot is the smallest index in the code array dumped by INITEX (INIOMEGA, INIPDFTEX); must not be less than mem_min.
Set the internal mem_max to n. mem_max is the greatest index in the internal mem array; must be strictly less than 1073741823.
Set the internal mem_min to n. mem_min is the smallest index in the internal mem array; must be 0 or more; must be equal to mem_bot in INITEX (INIOMEGA, INIPDFTEX), otherwise <= mem_bot.
Set the internal mem_top to n. mem_top is the largest index in the mem array dumped by INITEX (INIOMEGA, INIPDFTEX); must be substantially larger than 0 and not greater than mem_max.
Set the internal nest_size to n. nest_size is the maximum number of semantic levels simultaneously active.
Set the internal param_size to n. param_size is the maximum number of simultaneous macro parameters.
Set the internal pool-size to n. pool_size is the maximum number of characters in strings, including all error messages and help texts, and the names of all fonts and control sequences; must exceed string_vacancies by the total length of the program's own strings, which is currently about 30000.
Suppress all output (except errors).
Set the internal save_size to n. save_size is the amount of space for saving values outside of current group; must be at most 1073741823.
Same as --quiet.
Insert source file information into the DVI file.
Set the internal stack_size to n. stack_size is the maximum number of simultaneous input sources.
Set the internal string_vacancies to n. string_vacancies is the minimum number of characters that should be available for the user's control sequences and font names, after the program's own error messages are stored.
Causes TeX to process the TCX table name.
Causes TeX to use the current DOS codepage (e.g. cp850) for console output.
Set trace flags.
Set the internal trie_size to n. trie_size is the amount of space for hyphenation patterns; should be larger for INITEX (INIOMEGA, INIPDFTEX) than it is in production versions of the program.
Set the internal trie_op_size to n. trie_op_size is the amount of space for "opcodes" in the hyphenation patterns.
Try file.tex.gz if file.tex cannot be found.
Causes TeX to read the dump file name.
Print version information and exit.

Node:bibtex, Next:, Previous:Common Compiler Options, Up:Manual Pages


BibTeX is a preprocessor for the LaTeX document-preparation system. It handles most of the formatting decisions required to produce a reference list, outputting a .bbl file; with this file LaTeX actually produces the reference list.


bibtex [option...] name

Reads the file name.aux and outputs the file name.bbl.


Shows a help screen and exits successfully.
Sets the internal min_crossrefs parameter to N.
Shows version information and exits successfully.


See BibTeXing, available as file btxdoc.dvi.

Node:bibtex8, Next:, Previous:bibtex, Up:Manual Pages


BibTeX8 is an enhanced version of BibTeX. Enhanced by conversion to "big" (32-bit) capacity, addition of run-time selectable capacity and 8-bit support extensions. National character set and sorting order are controlled by an external configuration file.


bibtex8 [option...] name

where name is the name of the TeX auxilliary output file to be processed by bibtex8. The trailing .aux may be omitted.


Display some brief help text and then exit.
Operate in the original 7-bit mode. A CS file is not read: only 7-bit ASCII characters are supported and sorting is strictly by ASCII code value.

bibtex8 will not allow you to specify --traditional with either the --8bit or --csfile option.

Force 8-bit mode. A CS file is not read. All 8-bit characters (code > 127) are treated as letters and sorting is strictly by code page value.

BibTeX will not allow you to specify --8bit with either the --csfile or --traditional option.

-c file
--csfile file
Read file as the BibTeX8 codepage and sort definition (CS) file. The CS file is used to define the 8-bit character set used by BibTeX8 and the order in which those characters should be sorted.

BibTeX8 will not allow you to specify --csfile with either the --8bit or --traditional option.

-d type
--debug type
Report debugging information to the BibTeX8 log file and the standard error device. The value type controls the type of debugging information reported. type can be one or more of:
all debugging categories
CS file processing
file I/O
memory allocation and capacity
other debugging information
path searching and file location

Report internal statistics to the BibTeX8 log file.
Report execution tracing to the BibTeX8 log file.
Report BibTeX8's version and then exit.
Set BibTeX8's capacity to "big". The size of particular parameters will be set as follows (the default sizes are shown in brackets):
Hash_Prime            8,501   (4,253)
Hash_Size            10,000   (5,000)
Max_Cites             2,000     (750)
Max_Ent_Ints          4,000   (3,000)
Max_Ent_Strs          6,000   (3,000)
Max_Fields           30,000  (17,250)
Max_Strings          10,000   (4,000)
Pool_Size           130,000  (65,530)
Wiz_Fn_Space          6,000   (3,000)

Set BibTeX8's capacity to "huge". The size of particular parameters will be set as follows (the default sizes are shown in brackets):
Hash_Prime           16,319   (4,253)
Hash_Size            19,000   (5,000)
Max_Cites             5,000     (750)
Max_Ent_Ints          5,000   (3,000)
Max_Ent_Strs         10,000   (3,000)
Max_Fields           85,000  (17,250)
Max_Strings          19,000   (4,000)
Pool_Size           500,000  (65,530)
Wiz_Fn_Space         10,000   (3,000)

Set BibTeX8's capacity to "really huge" - required for Wolfgang's PhD thesis. The size of particular parameters will be set as follows (the default sizes are shown in brackets):
Hash_Prime           30,011   (4,253)
Hash_Size            35,000   (5,000)
Max_Cites             7,500     (750)
Max_Ent_Ints          7,500   (3,000)
Max_Ent_Strs         10,000   (3,000)
Max_Fields          125,000  (17,250)
Max_Strings          30,000   (4,000)
Pool_Size           750,000  (65,530)
Wiz_Fn_Space         10,000   (3,000)

-M n
--min_crossrefs n
Set min_crossrefs to n. If an item is cross-referenced at least n times, it will be placed in the list of citations, even if it is not explicitly \cited as a reference. The default value is 2.
--mcites n
Allow a maximum of n distinct \cites in the .aux files. This number must be less than the maximum number of strings (settable with --mstrings).
--mentints n
Allow a maximum of n integer entries in the .bib databases.
--mentstrs n
Allow a maximum of n string entries in the .bib databases.
--mfields n
Allow a maximum of n fields in the .bib databases.
--mpool n
Set the string pool to n bytes.
--mstrings n
Allow a maximum of n unique strings. This number must be less than the hash size and greater than the maximum number of \cites (settable with --mcites).
--mwizfuns n
Allow a maximum of n wizard functions.


For a general description of bibtex8, see the text file 00readme.txt.

For a description of the CS file syntax see the text file csfile.txt.

Node:dvicopy, Next:, Previous:bibtex8, Up:Manual Pages


dvicopy is a utility program that allows one to take a DVI file that references composite fonts (VF) and convert it into a DVI file that does not contain such references.


dvicopy [option...] old new

Converts DVI file old into new.


Shows a help screen and exits successfully.
Sets magnification to MAG.
Selects a range of pages to be copied.
Prints version information and exits successfully.

Node:dvipdfm, Next:, Previous:dvicopy, Up:Manual Pages


dvipdfm is a DVI to PDF conversion utility.


dvipdfm [option...] dvifile


Ignore color specials (for printing on B&W printers).
-f filename
Set font map file name [t1fonts.map].
-o filename
Set output file name [dvifile.pdf].
Landscape mode.
-m number
Set additional magnification.
-p papersize
Set papersize (letter, legal, ledger, tabloid, a4, or a3) [letter].
-r resolution
Set resolution (in DPI) for raster fonts [600].
-s pages
Select page ranges (-).
-x dimension
Set horizontal offset [1.0in].
-y dimension
Set vertical offset [1.0in].
Disable partial font embedding [default is enabled].
-z number
Set compression level (0-9) [default is 9].
Be verbose.
Be more verbose.

All dimensions entered on the command line are "true" TeX dimensions. Argument of -s lists physical page ranges separated by commas, e.g., -s 1-3,5-6.


See Dvipdfm User's Manual (available as file dvipdfm.dvi, for a complete description.

Node:dvips, Next:, Previous:dvipdfm, Up:Manual Pages


dvips is a program to translate a DVI file into PostScript.


dvips [options...] filename[.dvi]


See the Dvips documentation, for a list of available options.


For a complete description of Dvips, see Dvips: A DVI driver. This document is available

Node:initexmf, Next:, Previous:dvips, Up:Manual Pages

initexmf (MiKTeX Configuration Utility)

initexmf is the MiKTeX Configuration Utility.


initexmf [option...]


Refresh all dump files (*.base;*.efmt;*.fmt;*.mem).
Refresh the dump files related to a specific program. program must be one of: elatex, etex, lambda, latex, metafont, metapost, omega, pdflatex, pdftex, tex.
--find-elatex-input FILE
Find e-LaTeX input file.
--find-etex-input FILE
Find e-TeX input file.
--find-executable FILE
Find a MiKTeX executable.
--find-lambda-input FILE
Find Lambda input file.
--find-latex-input FILE
Find LaTeX input file.
--find-metafont-input FILE
Find METAFONT input file.
--find-metapost-input FILE
Find MetaPost input file.
--find-omega-input FILE
Find Omega input file.
--find-other-executable FILE
Find an executable.
--find-pdflatex-input FILE
Find pdfLaTeX input file.
--find-pdftex-input FILE
Find pdfTeX input file.
--find-tex-input FILE
Find TeX input file.
List all known METAFONT modes.
--local-root root
Specify the local TEXMF root.
Update the PostScript resource database psres.dpr. You can use this option in conjunction with --search (see below).
Add a new font directory to the PostScript resource database psres.dpr.
Do not use a personal configuration file.
Define the location of the personal configuration file.
Print what would be done. Nothing is changed.
Suppress screen output.
Reconfigure MiKTeX.
Create a configuration report.
--root-directories dirlist
-r dirlist
Specify the list of TEXMF root directories.
Search for PS resource files (requires --mkpsres).
Refresh the whole file name database.
Refresh the file name database for a specific TEXMF root.
Print information on what is being done.
Print the version number and exit.

Node:mp, Next:, Previous:initexmf, Up:Manual Pages

mp (MetaPost)

MetaPost (installed as mp) reads a series of pictures specified in the MetaPost programming language, and outputs corresponding PostScript code.


mp [option...] [name[.mp]] [command...]
mp [option...] "&format" [command...]


Show C/C++ style error messages. This switch implies \scrollmode.
Initializes MetaPost's internal tables so that they can be dumped.
Shows a short help screen and exits successfully.
Uses texprogram instead of tex when compiling text labels. This flag overrides the environment variable TEX.
Prints version information and exits successfully.


Equivalent to mp --ini.
Equivalent to mp.
Equivalent to mp.

Environment Variables

Specifies the TeX compiler which should be used when compiling text labels.


For a complete description of the MetaPost language, see AT&T technical report CSTR-162, available as the file mpman.ps.

Node:omega, Next:, Previous:mp, Up:Manual Pages


Omega is a 16-bit enhanced version of TeX.


omega [option...] [name[.tex]] [command...]


Omega supports the common compiler options (see Common Compiler Options).


Equivalent to omega --ini.
Equivalent to omega.
Equivalent to omega "&lambda".


For a complete description of Omega, see the Omega manual, available as the file omega-manual.dvi.

Node:pdftex, Next:, Previous:omega, Up:Manual Pages


pdfTeX is a special version of TeX that outputs PDF.


pdftex [option...] [name[.tex]] [command...]
pdftex [option...] "&format" [command...]


Besides the common command-line switches (see Common Compiler Options), pdfTeX supports these options:

Sets the internal font_max to n. font_max is the maximum internal font number; must not exceed 5000.


Equivalent to pdftex --ini.
Equivalent to pdftex.
Equivalent to pdftex "&pdflatex".


For a complete description of pdfTeX, see the the pdfTeX User Manual, available as file pdftexman.pdf.

Node:tex, Next:, Previous:pdftex, Up:Manual Pages


tex is Donald Knuth's TeX compiler.


tex [option...] [name[.tex]] [command...]
tex [option...] "&format" [command...]


Besides the common command-line switches (see Common Compiler Options), tex supports the following options:

Sets the internal font_max to n. font_max is the maximum internal font number; must not exceed 5000.


Equivalent to tex "&latex".
Equivalent to tex --ini.
Equivalent to tex.

See Also

See texify, for an alternative way to invoke TeX.


For a complete description of TeX, see The TeXbook by Donald E. Knuth.

Node:texify, Previous:tex, Up:Manual Pages


texify runs Texinfo or LaTeX input files through TeX (pdfTeX) in turn until all cross-references are resolved, building all indices.


texify [option]... file...

The directory containing each file is searched for included files. The suffix of file is used to determine its language (LaTeX or Texinfo).

Makeinfo is used to perform Texinfo macro expansion before running TeX when needed.


Use @input instead of \input; for preloaded Texinfo.
No interaction.
Remove all auxiliary files.
Force macro expansion using makeinfo.
-I dir
Search dir for input files.
Display this help and exit successfully.
-l lang
Specify the lang of file: latex or texinfo.
Pass option to the index generator.
Use pdfTeX or pdfLaTeX for processing.
No output unless errors (implies --batch).
Run a viewer on the resulting DVI/PDF file.
Same as --quiet.
-t cmd
Insert cmd after @setfilename in copy of input file. Multiple values accumulate.
Pass option to (La)(pdf)TeX.
Display version information and exit successfully.
Pass option to the viewer.

Environment Variables

The values of the BIBTEX, LATEX (or PDFLATEX), MAKEINDEX, MAKEINFO, TEX (or PDFTEX), and TEXINDEX environment variables are used to run those commands, if they are set.


Equivalent to texify.

Node:Index, Previous:Manual Pages, Up:Top


Table of Contents


  1. CTAN: Comprehensive TeX Archive Network